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CRIMSON 3 USER MANUAL. PAGE 2 REGISTRATION. When you first run Crimson 3, you will be offered a chance to register your software If you open or import a Crimson 3.0 database that was designed for a product not supported by Crimson 3.1, you will be asked to which device you wish to Crimson and the Crimson logo are registered trademarks of Red Lion Controls Inc. CRIMSON 3. REFERENCE. MANUAL. Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 guide and the remote equipment's user manuals for I/O connection details. load the latest version of Crimson 3.0 from,.CRIMSON USER MANUAL PAGE 3. CRIMSON BASICS. To run Crimson, select the Crimson icon from the Red Lion Controls folder on the Programs. REVISION 2. PAGE 3. CRIMSON BASICS. To run Crimson, select the Crimson icon from the Red Lion Controls folder on the Programs section of your Start Menu.
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